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Monday, June 19, 2017

Morning Routine for stay-at-home Moms

It can be difficult to get up and get yourself going on a daily basis, especially when your little ones are still so young. There may not be a set time for school, appointments, or meetings to rush you up and out the door so why does it matter if you lay in bed a little longer or lounge around a little more? And sure, you may have a very good excuse to do so with night time feedings, potty runs, or anything else in the book!

Creating a morning routine and sticking to it on a daily basis will help you feel happier and healthier as well as have a positive impact on your little ones. Structure is important for a child's development, and a morning routine can you provide you time for yourself with the consistency that your child expects it. It is almost as though they come to schedule that time in their day for you to have your "me-time" because they expect it and they know that attention for them always follows.

Now it is important to establish a routine that fits well for you and your household. Everyone's needs will vary as far as the time the routine starts, how long it lasts, and what it consists of. Here is a general idea to get you started. The things on my list included: eating breakfast, getting myself dressed and ready as well as the kids, making my bed, a short exercise routine and some light reading.  I have switched up the order of these tasks several times to get what feels and flows the best. Because I keep my reading material in my room by my bed I always start with that when I wake up. My early-rising child comes into my room at the crack of dawn of every morning. I don't get out of bed until 7 am so until this time he can either snuggle in my bed with me or he will look at books or do puzzles quietly. At 7, I spend a couple minutes in bed reading. This lets me get some reading time in and allows me to enjoy my cozy bed a moment longer while still accomplishing something I would like to do. I always make the bed right upon getting out which my son usually enjoys helping with because he knows that breakfast is next! We go to the kitchen together to eat and I go to the family room for a brief, but energizing exercise routine. (Post to come on my favorites!) Afterwards is my time to get myself ready. During this time the kids usually have the chance to watch a show of their choice, but sometimes they just play. When I stick to this routine consistently this usually works out really well, and I have 20 minutes or so to just worry about myself! This has been such a rejuvenating time for me--showering alone in peace used to be impossible for me, but now I am rarely interrupted. After I'm all ready or while my hair is drying, I lay out the kids clothes for them to get dressed and we are ready to head out the door or proceed with our day at home.

Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is essential to taking good care of your home and family. I hope you can all find yourself happily rejuvenated and energized with your own morning routines!

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