art deco

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Buying Containers????

I am definitely frugal and hesitant when it comes to purchasing anything...even small purchases. I put off my list of little things I want because I always feel like "I don't really need it" right now. This is not a wish list I'm talking about.  This is a list of practical household items like, a funnel for the kitchen, a mail organizer, and the biggest container for organizing. Maybe I have such a hard time buying containers because if I am going to spend money on one it had better be a good value, and be EXACTLY what I want and need. This criteria of exactly is hard to fill because either it is too particular or I have not yet identified exactly what that criteria is. On the other hand, if I can get containers without spending any money on them, then it is much easier to find one I like because I don't expect it to be absolutely perfect, I simply expect it to meet my needs.

As a result, my new favorite thing is to re-purpose those containers I get from things I am already buying. This is not exactly NEW; I have saved and reused containers before; however I always hated those labels that advertised what use to be kept in there. This project removes those unwanted labels, leaving a clean slate to store whatever you want in there!

This is for printed labels. (Post to come on removing sticker labels). Here's the secret:

All you need is fingernail polish remover- with acetone (or just straight acetone) and some cotton balls to do the scrubbing.

Saturate a cotton ball in the acetone solution. Rub over the entire surface or the entire section you are starting with. At this point it may not look any different, but let it sit on the surface as you go back and start to rub with the cotton ball. Rub in a small circular motion gently, then more firmly until the label starts to disappear and ink covers your cotton ball.

Replace with a new cotton ball as needed and continue to rub, until some vigorous scrubbing may be required in the end to finish it off.

Gently wipe it clean and its ready to be reused!

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